Friday, March 21, 2008

My theme

Other Worlds, alter-egos, fantasies, daydreams, Second lives, escapes, through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole, memory palaces, alternates, altered states, somewhere, someone, something else, beyond, inside, instead. Anything Other...

I don't want to lay down too many rules, do as many pages as you feel necessary but I would like a little note on your 'Other', on the blog or in the book, Just a couple of words though, keep it mysterious.

Hope this okay with everyone. I know nobody has seen anything of mine yet, I will try and rectify that this weekend, but I can draw, paint, scrap, collage and bead like hell, ask Zenia, so don't be frightened.


Kel said...

I love it! I can't wait...

Anonymous said...

oh now I have to thing of another theme .... :P